First off I want to thank everyone who’s submitted an address to The Portal Repository so far. Since NEXT launched on July 24th players have submitted 70+ portal addresses on all three major platforms, PC, PS4 and Xbox. Traffic has also been increasing, with over 8,000 unique visitors and 55,000+ page views in the last 7 days alone!
The best part about The Portal Repository is that it is an organized catalog, which means that addresses submitted early on won’t get buried and forgotten. Even old addresses can still be easily sorted and searched for at any time in the future.
I have been very busy over the last week, taking everyone’s feedback and suggestions to heart and doing what I can in the limited time I have available. Below is a summary of a few notable recent changes:
New Logo
On August 1st I revealed the new official logo for The Portal Repository. The design is styled after the 16 glowing glyphs on the outter ring of the portal entrance and on the pedestal.
Added To Reddit Sidebar
I contacted the mods for the No Man’s Sky subreddit and requested The Portal Repository to be added as a resource in the sidebar. My thanks go out to mods October_Citrus and WithYouInSpirit99 for getting this added so quickly!
New Official Twitter Account
Up until now I’ve been posting all news, events and updates from my personal Twitter account. Recently I made a change on this site where every new address is automatically shared to Twitter. This is a great way to show activity and grow the community, however with so many addresses being added recently it was starting to clutter my Twitter feed.
So based on a survey I conducted (and Peaceful Gamer’s suggestion) I decided to start a new Twitter account dedicated exclusively to The Portal Repository: @PortalRepo
In addition to my Patreon I also started a merchandise store on Teespring. Depending on popularity and feedback I may add more gear or change the available selection. By buying merchandise you can support this website and get something cool at the same time! It’s a win-win for all of us!

User Feedback Ticket System
As traffic increases so does the amount of feedback I receive. Tracking suggestions and bug reports can easily get out of hand using email alone. That’s why I’ve setup a managed helpdesk-style ticket system for registered users. Now any logged-in user can submit feedback and track the status of their ticket right from the new Contact page.
Users who are not registered can still submit tickets here, but beware that responses may be delayed.
Style Changes
As some of you may already have noticed I’ve made a few style changes to the theme of the site. Mainly the top menu on desktop screens has been re-styled to be white-on-black text, with the iconic “GeoNMS” font being used more frequently throughout the site. I also changed the color scheme and font for the meta data table for each address, more closely reflecting the palette of the in-game menus. Some other tweaks and changes have also been made to improve the overall look of the site.
As you can see it certainly has been a busy week. Thanks again for everyone’s continued feedback and contributions! Please remember that I personally fund this website myself and between hosting costs, security, bandwidth, domain names, etc the bill can really add up. If you enjoy using this site and want to support it please consider either becoming a monthly Patron or purchasing some of the merchandise. All earnings are used to offset the operating costs and are 100% re-invested into this website.