For those rare Travelers who enjoyed the Puzzles and Challenges of "Star's End Amusement" comes something else.
New World - New Amusements.
More Chambers to Try your Wits and Skills- this may take more than 10 minutes...
- MORE exotic danger!
- MORE challenging puzzles!
- MORE power doors!
Presented with visible circuits for those who like building.
Floating Room, 6 landing pads, Galactic Trade Terminal, all terminals, exocraft summoner, nomad, First system of #2 Galaxy Doxtinawyra, after Green Purge, teleporter to many other Galaxy Bases, use everything, enjoy, visit and discover. Ammonia and Nitrogen available.
this is #2 Galaxy named Doctinawyra, found after Green Purge, 1st system is GruntMcD-Yufuson lV 3/9/2024, Portal on planet GruntMcD-Oran 78/Y1. This is the second portal around the beginning of Galaxy #2 Doctinawyra.
Portal Base with Teleporter to other Green Purged Galaxies. Landing pad, Galactic Trade Terminal. Green house. NipNip. This is the second Galaxy after entering new 232 group of different Galaxies. Follow Teleporter Bases that lead deep into these areas. Lots of discoveries.
this Galaxy is after Green Purge, called Doctinawyra, #2. First system Vafundge, planet Zavill. Portal with teleporter, and landing pad