Portal Base, after Green Purged, #3 Loychazinq, all terminals, large refiner, portable refiner, planter boxes, 4 landing pads, teleporter. This opens up 232 additional Galaxies and Bases are scattered. Nice base to rest and get ready to explore more.
found after Atlas Green Purged, #3 Galaxy Loychazina, system Kevich-Duko, planet New Omorphyl. Teleport to additional Bases in 232 more Galaxies.
Floating Room, 6 landing pads, Galactic Trade Terminal, all terminals, exocraft summoner, nomad, First system of #2 Galaxy Doxtinawyra, after Green Purge, teleporter to many other Galaxy Bases, use everything, enjoy, visit and discover. Ammonia and Nitrogen available.
this is #2 Galaxy named Doctinawyra, found after Green Purge, 1st system is GruntMcD-Yufuson lV 3/9/2024, Portal on planet GruntMcD-Oran 78/Y1. This is the second portal around the beginning of Galaxy #2 Doctinawyra.
Portal Base with Teleporter to other Green Purged Galaxies. Landing pad, Galactic Trade Terminal. Green house. NipNip. This is the second Galaxy after entering new 232 group of different Galaxies. Follow Teleporter Bases that lead deep into these areas. Lots of discoveries.
this Galaxy is after Green Purge, called Doctinawyra, #2. First system Vafundge, planet Zavill. Portal with teleporter, and landing pad
Portal Base, 6 landing pads, Green Houses, NipNip, all terminals, Nomad, exocraft summoner, First System after Green Purged, leading to additional 232 new and different Galaxies. Large Refiner, Nutrient Processor. Use Teleporter to travel to different Galaxy Bases deep inside New Green Purged Universe. Teleporter also leads back to all my Bases from Eculid to Lousongola. Tons of new discoveries to find. Use everything and enjoy!
First Galaxy after Green Purge, lsdoraijung, first system Kakuso-lnent, first planet Xotedinev-Sado all discovered by GruntMcD.
The 1st Planet in #10 Eissentam Galaxy, Base Grunt's 168Portal, walking just down hill to Portal, Galaxy Trade, Nomad, O2, landing pad, Green Houses, Elect-Mag. This base opens up 715,000 LY Galaxy. Lots of interesting animals, dancing sponges, being fed, fat and sassy.
The first planet in Galaxy #10, Eissentam, 715,000 LY to Core.
Landing Pad, Teleporter, Green Houses, and Nomad, at the Portal. Golf Course feeling Planet with Radiant Shards every where. Lots of lakes, but electro-mag hard to find. In Galaxy 256 around 12,000 LY from Core. Pleasant weather.
18,077 LY to Core of #32 Sugueziume Galaxy.
Landing pad at Portal, Greenhouses, feeding stations, Nomad for use, Teleporter on hill above Portal easy looking for Street Lights. Frozen. Base's name is Grunt's 123 PORTAL Regon VIII Hiemal.