Adfo III Portal Base is a fairly minimal base, intended as a simple gateway to the system. A galactic trade terminal is available, as well as a first aid kit. The base is solar powered, and power systems are designed for efficiency, reducing power usage to 1 kP when the base is not in use.
1 Player
Adfo III, a viridescent planet in the Noyama-Miam system, is home to two species of Mechanoseris (Robotic/Cybernetic lifeforms), and has Activated Indium, Paraffinium, Sodium and Star Bulb. Adfo III, and the Noyama-Miam system itself, were discovered after its neighbouring planet, Puhoenian X was found by dialling random portal addresses. The presence of Activated Indium led to the exploration of Adfo III and the discovery of the robotic life forms inhabiting the planet. A portal base was established to provide access via both the portal and the teleporter, for those who's starships are not equipped with an Indium Drive.
This base is a dabbling ground for spheres, electric functions, and build concepts. I'm seeing how far I can push things and expect it will continue to be a work in progress. I hope it's worth the visit!