Heimola Tau

This Address Was Last Updated During The Echoes Iteration. The weather, biome, flora and/or fauna may have changed.

Galaxy, Platform

01 Euclid (PS4), PS4

Hex Address


System Name


Celestial Bodies

6 Planets










Generación de combustible // Floreciente

Discovered By


Base Description

Bienvenidos a mi base, se encuentra sobre el portal de un planeta disonante en el que los centinelas son muy pacíficos.
El planeta es una roca sin atmósfera ni clima en la que no existe la vida. Las condiciones gravitatorias son anómalas, lo cual hace el desplazamiento muy cómodo.
La base consiste en una granja en la que cultivo todo tipo de plantas en grandes cantidades. Además cuenta con extractores de gas que que generan hasta 5000u de O2.
Ven y coge lo que necesites, aquí podrás conseguir todo lo necesario para fabricar tanto dispositivos de estasis como cebadores de fusión, proveerte de oxigeno y refinar, vender o almacenar lo que quieras.
(Welcome to my base, it is located above the portal of a dissonant planet where the sentinels are very peaceful.
The planet is a rock without atmosphere or climate on which life does not exist. The gravitational conditions are anomalous, which makes movement very comfortable.
The base consists of a farm where I grow all kinds of plants in large quantities. It also has gas extractors that generate up to 5000u of O2.
Come and get what you need, here you can get everything you need to make both stasis devices and fusion primers, provide yourself with oxygen and refine, sell or store whatever you want.)


El planeta se encuentra en un sistema Vy´keen con una economía floreciente y un nivel de conflicto estable.
Se trata de un sistema disonante situado en la región Opmana de la galaxia Euclides.
(The planet is located in a Vy'keen system with a flourishing economy and a stable level of conflict.
It is a dissonant system located in the Opmana region of the Euclid galaxy.)

Game Mode, Biome, Keywords

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Submitted By


This Address Was Last Updated During The Interceptor Iteration. The weather, biome, flora and/or fauna may have changed.

Galaxy, Platform

Other (Specify in notes section), PS4

Hex Address


Galactic Coordinates


System Name

Bonita-Qige IX

Celestial Bodies

4 Planets 2 Moons


Vientos irradiados








Mercantil // Equilibrado

Discovered By


Base Description

Base junto a un portal, en un planeta molecular con gran actividad de centinelas. Aquí puedes encontrar depósitos de Uranio, Cobre y Sodio. (Base next to a portal, in a molecular planet with great activity of sentinels. Here you can find deposits of uranium, copper and sodium.)


Sistema Korvax ubicado en el Cuadrante Lushaya a 3201 años luz del centro de la Galaxia 45 Ebyeloof. Nivel de conflicto peligroso, economía equilibrada. Nave amarilla y exótica clase s en la estación espacial (First wave and get it).

The Korvax system is located in the Lushaya Quadrant 3201 light years from the center of Galaxy 45 Ebyeloof. Level of conflict dangerous, economy balanced. Yellow and exotic class s in the space station (First wave and get it).

Game Mode, Biome, Keywords

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Submitted By

Rudanjot X37

This Address Was Last Updated During The Interceptor Iteration. The weather, biome, flora and/or fauna may have changed.

Galaxy, Platform

Other (Specify in notes section), PS4

Hex Address


System Name


Celestial Bodies

6 Planets


Ciclones Gamma


Prospección // Muchos suministros (Prospection // Many supplies)

Discovered By


Base Description

Dirección de mi base Awtri-Core, que se encuentra junto a un portal, y en un sistema localizado cerca del núcleo en la galaxia 43 Oniijialdu.
El planeta tiene poca presencia de centinelas, la fauna es escasa y cuenta con gran cantidad de flora. Se pueden encontrar depósitos de Plata, Uranio y Cobre activado.
(Direction to my base Awtri-Core, which is found next to a portal, and in a system located near the nucleus in the galaxy 43 Oniijialdu. The planet has little presence of centennials, the fauna is scarce and accounts for a large amount of flora. They can find deposits of Silver, Uranium and Cobre activated.)


GALAXY 43 - Oniijialdu. Near de CORE.
El sistema Nicoglic se encuentra a 3214 años luz del núcleo de la galaxia Oniijialdu, en la región Vacío de Vezlas. Se trata de un sistema disonante en el que predomina la raza Gek, consta de 6 planetas, cuenta con una gran economía basada en la prospección y un nivel de conflictos mínimo.
(The Nicoglic system is located 3214 light-years from the core of the Oniijialdu galaxy, in the Vacio de Vezlas region. It deals with a dissonant system dominated by the Gek race, consisting of 6 planets, with a large economy based on prospecting and a minimal level of conflict.)

Game Mode, Biome, Keywords

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Submitted By