Mountain Lion Monastery

This address was last updated during the Companions iteration. Some named discoveries and player bases may have changed.

Galaxy, Platform

01 Euclid (PS4), PS4

Hex Address


System Name

Mountain Lion Monastery

Celestial Bodies

3 Planets


Lethal Humidity Outbreaks






Require Obedience

Discovered By


Base Description

Mountain Lion Monastery is a sacred religious complex built by a Gek religious subset called the NipNipians. During the rise of the First Spawn Gek, NipNipians were ostracized and persecuted for their religious views of pacifism and their disapproval of the First Spawns plan of the domination of the Euclid Galaxy. They fled to this remote location high in the mountains and built this monastery complex so they could practice the NipNipian religion and worship in peace. After the First Spawn Dominion failed the NipNipians resettled back into Gek society and this site was preserved for its historical significance and became a popular tourist destination. Some of the things visitors can experience: the temple complex and shrines, the living mandala, prayer flag ridge, the divinity rod, prayer wheels, serenity gardens, theology school and dormitory, NipNip caverns, leap of faith crevice, mystical pinnacle and the secret chambers. We hope you enjoy your visit.


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